I'm back! & Desucon Frostbite 2016

Seems my break got a little longer, but at least I have something to write about now.
This time, though, it's going to be a bit different from the stuff I usually post here. To me, christmas primarily consisted of getting ready for  Desucon Frostbite by sewing and otherwise preparing my costume. I had to put amigurumis aside due to my wrist starting to ache as a result of the constant arranging and hand stitching that the costume required. But now my wrist's functional again, which means that I can get back to working on my lovely creatures. ^w^
I'm going to wander off the subject just a bit more to share my experience about preparing for Desucon Frostbite, as well as the event itself, with pictures included.

Valmistautuminen tapahtumaan oli alkanut mekon muodossa jo ennen kesää. Jättimäinen nuppineula oli koottu vanhasta kukkakepistä ja veljen rikkinäisestä sählypallosta. Muoviset vihon kannet päätyivät hiusklipsin muodoksi ja muualta sain apua ongenkoukun valmistamiseen. Ehdin ommella kaiken loppuun noin viikkoa ennen tapahtumaa, mutta maalaaminen stressasi vähän. Kaikki valmistui kuitenkin ajoissa.
Desucon Frostbitessa näin monia tuttujani, seikkailin taide- ja myyntipöydillä, sekä kävin parissa ohjelmassa. Tapahtuma ei mielestäni ollut onnistunut yhtä hyvin kuin aikaisemmin. En meinannut löytää mieluisia ohjelmia millään ja ystäväni ohjelma oli unohdettu merkitä ohjelmakarttaan kokonaan. Kankaanpainopaja oli hauska ja AMV-kisa tuli myös katsottua. Negatiivista palautetta kuulin iltabileistä, mutta sitä en kommentoi, kun en siellä käynytkään. Liitän ottamani kuvat toiseen postaukseen.
Taidekujalla keskityin tutkimaan pöytiä, sillä suunnitelmissani olisi mahdollisesti myydä amigurumeja jonkin conin taidekujalla.
Ensi viikolla amigurumit palaavat taas blogiin.

© 2016 Mira Strengell
I started preparing myself for the convention even before summer by sewing the dress as a schoolwork. The gigantic sewing pin is made from an old flower support combined with my brother's broken floorball ball. Plastic notebook covers ended up as the shape of the hairclip, and I got some outside help with the fishing hook. I was able to finish everything in time just a week before the event, even dispite the fact that I was slightly stressed out due to the finishing touches.

At Desucon Frostbite 2016 I met many acquaintances, strolled through art and sales booths, and also took part in a couple of programs that were held. In my opinion, the event didn't turn out as successful as it did last year. I felt that it was hard to find a program appealing to my taste and one of my friends' show had been completely forgotten to mark down. The fabric printing workshop was nice though, and I also got to watch the awesome AMV contest. There was a lot of negative feedback on the evening party, but i can't really comment much on that since I didn't go there. I will apply the pictures I took to another post.
On the artist-alley I focused on examining the tables because I've been planning to sell amigurumis in the future at some con.

© 2016 Mira Strengell


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